About Us | General Information
CINDAS LLC is a private company formed exclusively to disseminate materials properties data collected and analyzed by the Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) at Purdue University. CINDAS LLC obtained an exclusive license from the Purdue Research Foundation to disseminate the data. Staff members include chemical, mechanical, materials, and industrial engineers, chemists, and computer scientists. The President of CINDAS LLC has been closely associated with CINDAS for more than 30 years.
In 2007, CINDAS LLC entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the United States Air Force, Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (AFRL/MLSC), Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Through this agreement, CINDAS LLC developed the Aerospace Structural Metals Database (ASMD) and assumed responsibility for the technical maintenance and distribution of the ASMD, Structural Alloys Handbook (SAH), and Damage Tolerant Design Handbook (DTDH).
CINDAS LLC has become the industry benchmark for critically evaluated materials properties data since its inception in 2003. CINDAS LLC is committed to carrying on the tradition of providing reliable materials properties data, while continually improving and expanding upon its material base, and providing that data in an easily accessible and searchable electronic format.
Two new databases were released in 2015: the High Performance Alloys Database (HPAD) and the Aerospace and High Performance Alloys Database (AHAD). The HPAD was created to address the needs of the oil/gas, chemical processing, power generation, and transportation industries. We were asked by many engineers in industries other than aerospace to produce a database of materials properties data analogous to the ASMD in format, but more focused on the specific needs of these high performance industries including detailed data on corrosion performance and joining. We recognized that many of our current ASMD clients would also want the materials properties data on the alloys in the HPAD. Therefore we have merged the HPAD and ASMD into a powerful combined database with alloys of importance in all industries requiring high performance alloy data, the AHAD.
The Cryogenic and Low Temperatures Database (CLTD), released in May 2021, was developed based on suggestions and input from our current customers. It offers material characteristics in the cryogenic and low temperature ranges. It consists of thermophysical, mechanical, electrical and other properties of over 2000 materials in the temperature ranges from 0 K to 273 K. Initial data is from both NIST data resources as well as CINDAS data. More data will be added as it becomes available. This is an optimal source for cryogenic and low temperature data.
In December 2022, CINDAS LLC introduced our latest materials properties database: an even bigger database for microelectronics and composite materials, the Microelectronics and Composite Materials Database, the MCMD. This database is the upgraded and expanded version of the Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD). It contains everything in the MPMD (data and information on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging material) plus new data on more than 200 composite materials, including ceramic matrix composites, both particulate and whisker reinforced, as well as GLARE materials (Glass Laminate Aluminum Reinforced Epoxy also known as GLAss REinforced laminate).
Learn more about the history of CINDAS LLC and the materials properties tradition.