CINDAS will launch a new product in December 2014 focused on the oil and gas, energy, power and chemical processing markets. The new database will be call the High Performance Alloys Database (HPAD) and will include alloys that meet the demanding requirements for higher temperatures, aggressive corrosive environments and higher pressures. Designers and engineers need to explore new alloys to meet the challenges they are faced with in the new and demanding environments. The HPAD will mainly include chapters on stainless steel, nickel and cobalt, titanium, high strength steel and aluminum. It will initially have about 90 alloys and grow to 120 alloys within a few years. A detailed chapter will be available for each of these alloys. The HPAD will be a web-based only product. Every detailed chapter for each alloy will typically include 40-80 pages of written text, tables and graphs of relevant mechanical and thermophysical properties of the material. Also included will be microstructures, joining information, thermal processing, corrosion data, fatigue and fracture toughness data. The capability to compare different materials in the database and plot independent variables such as yield strength versus temperature can be done for 10 or more materials on a single plot. The HPAD will be a valuable tool for all technical personnel doing material selection, optimization, design and finite element analysis, fabrication and root cause failure analysis.