Newsletter | Vol 1 - July 2014
Blast from the Past 1986 - Materials Established at CINDAS/Purdue University

A computerized materials properties numerical data system has been developed and established at the Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) of Purdue University, which is a comprehensive, one-line, interactive, menu-driven, user-friendly, expert data system. This data system contains both critically evaluated reliable reference data and experimental data on the thermophysical, mechanical, electrical, optical, and other properties of various types of materials. It permits both the search of data and information for specified materials and properties and the search for materials that meet a set of requirements specified by the user (i.e., computer-aided materials selection). It permits also the on-line functional manipulation, statistical analysis, and mthemtical study of the retrieved data. The development, operation, functions, scope, contents, and other features of the data system are presented and discussed.
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