Newsletter | Vol 12 - September 2020
Modification to Search Menu Screen for Additive Manufacturing Chapters
In the first quarter of 2020, CINDAS added an additional chapter on Ti-6Al-4V to the ASMD, HPAD and AHAD. This chapter was written to cover the properties of this alloy when processed using Additive Manufacturing (AM). This provided three distinct chapters on Ti-6Al-4V: wrought, cast and additively manufactured.
This initial AM chapter will be followed by another one in early 2021. This second chapter will be on AlSi10Mg (AM) and will cover the properties of this alloy as processed by various methods of AM. Chapters on additional alloys from an AM perspective are planned, depending on the interest and use of our subscribers.
In order for users to more easily find these first two AM chapters and future additional AM chapters, we have made a slight change to the "Material Group" selection box on the main search screen. The alloys that have chapters dealing with AM will be in bold print so that they are easier to find. At this time, the only AM chapter is on Ti-6Al-4V (AM) and is in bold. In early 2021, the second AM chapter on AlSi10Mg will be added and will also be in bold, and so forth on additional AM chapters.
We would appreciate your feedback on the AM chapters in the databases so that we can assess the value of these chapters to our subscribers.