Newsletter | Vol 13 - June 2021
Marketplace News on Additive Manufacturing
The newly launched 2021 Alfa Romeo Racing F1 race car, the C41, will include 304 additively manufactured metal parts, which is more than double the number for the 2020 car (C39) which featured 143 AM parts. Twenty-two percent (22%) of the parts are made from Titanium 6-4 (AM) and 40% from Aluminum AlSi10Mg (AM). Cost savings of up to 90% have been realized with AM parts versus traditionally manufactured parts.

The Boeing Company has issued material specification (Boeing BAC 5673) for Aluminum AlSi10Mg additively manufactured components.
CINDAS has two popular new chapters in the AHAD and the ASMD for Aluminum AlSi10Mg (AM) and Titanium 6-4 (AM).