Newsletter | Vol 20 - November 2023

CINDAS Data is Reliable in the New Era of CHATGPT and AI

Recently we have heard of several instances in which these AI tools have been used to conduct searches for information. The tools return data and information that appear to be valid and reasonable, along with references. The unfortunate result that has been reported is that some references appear to be fabricated at random by the AI. The authors may be real, as may be the journal. However, upon checking via several methods, it has been found that the paper or article does not actually exist.

In the past few months we have heard of at least three such instances. The most recent was experienced by one of our close collaborators. Despite several avenues to verify the paper cited, it was found not to exist. The data it returned appeared reasonable, but without knowing the actual source, it calls the data into question and cannot be considered reliable.

Clearly AI may be of immense value as data and information is collected, and its use is perfectly reasonable. Just please be aware that there appear to be issues with the integrity of some information they aggregate.

We want our customers to know that we at CINDAS LLC closely scrutinize the information included in our chapters because we know our clients depend on our data.