Databases | Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD)
What is the Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database?
The MPMD covers data and information on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials.
By the fall of 2022, the MPMD contained 1,182 materials in 32 materials groups, with 477 properties in 13 property groups, and 25,949 data curves.
In January 2023, the MPMD was replaced with the Microelectronics and Composite Materials Database (MCMD), an updated and expanded version which contains everything previously in the MPMD, as well as new data on more than 200 composite materials, including ceramic matrix composites, both particulate and whisker reinforced and GLARE materials (Glass Laminate Aluminum Reinforced Epoxy, also known as GLAss Reinforced laminate).
In January 2023, the MPMD was replaced with the Microelectronics and Composite Materials Database (MCMD), an updated and expanded version which contains everything previously in the MPMD, as well as new data on more than 200 composite materials, including ceramic matrix composites, both particulate and whisker reinforced and GLARE materials (Glass Laminate Aluminum Reinforced Epoxy, also known as GLAss Reinforced laminate).
- MPMD Table of Contents
- MPMD Demo
- Brochures - See links below; several languages are available
- Watch the instruction video - Instructions & demonstration of the MPMD/TPMD

Learn how to navigate in the MPMD web application with this short instructional video.
CINDAS LLC web-based database graphing functions include:
- Large graphs.
- Hovering cursor will show x and y values of each data point on the graph, in the color of the graph. All of the actual test data is still shown using the Show Text option.
- Zoom feature expands the scale of the graph instantly. To zoom into the graph, click and drag a box around the data points to see in more detail. The graph will automatically adjust the axis values. This feature may be used multiple times to expand the same area of the graph. To return to the original graph, click Reset Zoom.
- Export to printer, JPG, PNG, PDF, etc. New icons on graph display, allow user to save/export the graph to various programs.
- Change Units feature placed next to the property and can be changed prior to viewing graph.
- Expanded HELP section to explain new features.
- Question marks (?) for immediate help with material and curve selection instructions.