Newsletter | Vol 20 - November 2023
In this newsletter...
- Focus on Data
- New Search Feature in Table of Contents
- What's New September 2023
- What's Coming to our Databases
- Author Bio - Richard Frank
- Sector Focus - Universities
- CINDAS Data is Reliable in the New Era of CHATGPT and AI
- Purdue-led Microelectronics Workforce Development Program
- Training Resources Available
- Our Mailing Address
Focus on Data[Permalink]
Technical data can be expensive and difficult to obtain--collecting it, organizing it, analyzing it. Any time you have something someone else doesn't have, you need to retain that advantage and put it to work.

Photo source:
New Search Feature in Table of Contents[Permalink]
We have added a new feature to enable our users to view directly what properties and independent variable combinations are available for each material in our databases. This feature can be accessed directly from the product page within our website. For example, going to the ASMD product page, you can see the resources table of contents. Clicking on that link will take you to the list of material groups, as well as a search by alphabetical order for the alloys.
- Ferrium S53
- Nickel Alloy Haynes 282
Clicking on one of the groups will show the list of the materials in the group. Titanium Alloys Cast will show Ti-6A-4V. Selecting that link will then give you the list of property combinations available. This is just a partial list. If you are logged on to the database, selecting a property/independent variable will take you to the first graph for that property.
Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V, Cast UNS: R56400/R56401
Properties and Independent Variables
Area Reduction and Aging Temperature
Area Reduction and Exposure Time
Area Reduction and Frequency Distribution
Area Reduction and Heat Treatment or Process Condition
Area Reduction and Heat Treatment Temperature
Area Reduction and Solution Treat Temperature
Area Reduction and Specimen or Lot Number
Area Reduction and Temperature
Bearing Strength, Ultimate and Specimen or Lot Number
Bearing Strength, Yield and Specimen or Lot Number
Compressive Modulus of Elasticity and Heat Treatment or Process Condition
Compressive Modulus of Elasticity and Temperature
Compressive Strength, Yield and Heat Treatment or Process Condition
Compressive Strength, Yield and Temperature
Creep, Rupture Strength and Creep Rupture Life/Time to Stress Rupture
Edge Distance Ratio, e/D and Specimen or Lot Number
Effective Peak Strain and Cycles to Failure or Fatigue Life
Elongation and Aging Temperature
Elongation and Exposure Temperature
Elongation and Exposure Time
Elongation and Frequency Distribution
Elongation and Heat Treatment or Process Condition
Elongation and Heat Treatment Temperature
Elongation and Oxygen Content in %
Elongation and Solution Treat Temperature
Elongation and Specimen or Lot Number
Elongation and Temperature
What's New September 2023[Permalink]
September 2023 - Update to the Cryogenics and Low Temperatures Database
A total of 54 new materials including High Entropy Alloys (HEA), Nickel Alloys, and various steels, as well as
more composites such as graphene, fiberglass laminates and polymers have been added to the CLTD in this update.
There are 57 new properties which have also been added. These include a variety of mechanical properties,
thermophysical and electrical/magnetic properties of these materials. There are 377 new data sets with 869 new curves in Version 4 of the CLTD.
September 2023 - New Chapter Added on Rene 104
A new chapter on Rene 104 alloy was recently added to the AHAD, ASMD and HPAD.
Rene 104 is a nickel-based powder metallurgy (P/M) alloy. It was developed jointly by General Electric,
Pratt & Whitney, and NASA for application in gas turbine engine disks. It features superior high temperature properties and
robust processing and manufacturing characteristics. Rene 104 is capable of achieving or exceeding 700°C temperatures for the hot sections.
The higher operating temperature capability has resulted in approximately 50 times improvement in creep life over IN100, and
200 times that of Rene 88DT in dwell fatigue. Rene 104 applications extend beyond aircraft turbine engines and has been applied in power generation and other industries.
To see all the updates to our databases, click here:
What's Coming to our Databases[Permalink]
Inconel 617 (Revision) -- A revision of the chapter on IN 617 contains updated data on this heavily-utilized alloy.
First commercially available in 1970, this austenitic Ni-Cr-Co alloy boasts a combination of high temperature strength, corrosion resistance and creep-rupture strength above 870 C.
IN 617 has been evaluated in a wide variety of environments to determine fitness for use in nuclear reactors including molten salt reactors (MSR), very high temperature reactors
(VHTR) and high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGC). Based on its performance, it has been added to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for high-temperature nuclear applications.
This update is scheduled to be released in December 2023.
Authors have been contracted and are working on these chapters for 2024 and beyond:
Inconel 718 (Additive Manufacturing) -- "workhorse" superalloy long used across multiple industries, known for high temperature strength, creep resistance, toughness and weldability.
C17200 -- a beryllium-copper alloy used in aerospace, oil and gas, and many other applications; it exhibits good machinability, high static and fatigue strength.
Haynes 282 -- a wrought superalloy utilized in high temperature structural applications; it is known for a unique combination of creep strength, thermal stability, and weldability.
Haynes 244 -- a low thermal expansion Ni-Mo-Cr-W alloy designed for static applications up to 1400°F; it provides a higher maximum use temperature than other low thermal expansion alloys.
SCF19 -- an austenitic, N-strengthened stainless steel with 5% Mo for improved stress-corrosion-cracking performance; it is applied in harsh oil and gas drilling environments.
Ferrium M54 (Revision) -- a high-toughness, ultra high-strength steel alloy commonly used in structural aerospace applications.
Ti-6Al-4V (Revision) -- a versatile alpha-beta titanium alloy widely used in aerospace and biomedical applications; it combines excellent corrosion resistance, low density, and biocompatibility.
Author Bio - Richard Frank[Permalink]
Richard Frank has joined the CINDAS cadre of experienced metallurgists who author chapters for our materials properties databases. Richard spent the largest portion of his career from 1978 to 2023 at Carpenter Technology Corporation. Carpenter specialized in the development and processing of superalloys. His positions there included staff specialist for order management metallurgy and staff specialist in product and process technology.
He is a member of professional associations such as ASM, TMS and NACE, as well are many civic associations. He is the author of 13 publications and owner of 2 US Patents regarding nickel-base alloys. Rick has received the Bradley Stoughton Award from the ASM International-Lehigh Valley Chapter and the Warren F. Savage award presented by the American Welding Society.
The first chapter he is writing for CINDAS LLC is on alloy SCF19.
We know you will appreciate the attention to detail that Rick has put into compiling the data and writing the chapter which will be published in 2024.
Sector Focus - Universities[Permalink]
Did your university train you for real-world engineering? Don't you wish you knew then what you know now about the resources used in working in aerospace, defense, microelectronics, nuclear and other high-tech sectors?
Take this opportunity to pass along this information to your favorite professor or librarian at your school. Of course, if you attended Purdue, Stanford, Berkeley, Texas A&M;, CalTech, the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, or the University of Texas-Austin, you have had access already to these remarkable resources. Share with future engineering alumni the latest resources for technical data on thousands of materials. Academic pricing is available.
For more information, see our sector focus brochure for universities on our website at
To learn more about our other resources, click here.
CINDAS Data is Reliable in the New Era of CHATGPT and AI[Permalink]
Recently we have heard of several instances in which these AI tools have been used to conduct searches for information. The tools return data and information that appear to be valid and reasonable, along with references. The unfortunate result that has been reported is that some references appear to be fabricated at random by the AI. The authors may be real, as may be the journal. However, upon checking via several methods, it has been found that the paper or article does not actually exist.
In the past few months we have heard of at least three such instances. The most recent was experienced by one of our close collaborators. Despite several avenues to verify the paper cited, it was found not to exist. The data it returned appeared reasonable, but without knowing the actual source, it calls the data into question and cannot be considered reliable.
Clearly AI may be of immense value as data and information is collected, and its use is perfectly reasonable. Just please be aware that there appear to be issues with the integrity of some information they aggregate.
We want our customers to know that we at CINDAS LLC closely scrutinize the information included in our chapters because we know our clients depend on our data.
Purdue-led Microelectronics Workforce Development Program[Permalink]
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- Purdue University announced on August 30, 2023, that the SCALE (Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement) microelectronics workforce development program will receive more than $19 million in funding from the Department of Defense to strengthen existing efforts in key research areas and to add new academic partners.
The second installment of the DoD's funding enhances efforts in areas including radiation-hardened microelectronics and trusted artificial intelligence and expands student training, continuing education and dissemination. It includes $3.8 million for Purdue, $5 million for Indiana University and $1.6 million for Vanderbilt University.
The SCALE program is the nation's preeminent workforce development effort, funded by the DoD's Trusted and Assured Microelectronics program and managed by Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division. Purdue leads a public-private-academic partnership of now 19 universities and 48 partners within the defense industry and government.
Training Resources Available[Permalink]
Under our link (LEARN) on our webpage:, you can find everything you need to know about how to use the CINDAS LLC databases and on-line handbooks.
Please check out:
This PowerPoint presentation on the databases was recently updated.
Please review the CINDAS instructional video demonstration of a live training session on the new CINDAS LEARN link:
If you need additional site training, contact us to schedule a phone conference or a webinar:
Our Mailing Address[Permalink]

Technical data can be expensive and difficult to obtain--collecting it, organizing it, analyzing it. Any time you have something someone else doesn't have, you need to retain that advantage and put it to work.