Newsletter | Vol 2 - January 2015
In this newsletter...
High Performance Alloys Database (HPAD)[Permalink]
The HPAD was created by CINDAS LLC to address the needs of the oil/gas, chemical processing, power generation and transportation industries. We were asked by many engineers in industries other than aerospace to produce a materials properties database analogous to the ASMD, in format, but more focused on the specific needs of these high performance industries including detailed data on corrosion testing and joining. About three years ago, we conducted an exhaustive study with materials experts in these industries as well as with the major manufacturers of high performance alloys. We developed an initial list of about 125 alloys of high interest to these industries. The inaugural release of the HPAD is scheduled for the first quarter of 2015. It will contain about 90 chapters with approximately 10-15 chapters being added during 2015. The HPAD has the same interactive features as the ASMD, TPMD and MPMD. Like our other three databases, it is web based and updated and expanded continually with carefully selected alloys.
Please view the HPAD Alloy Sheet that lists all the alloys included in the database. Note there is a major emphasis on nickel and cobalt, stainless steels and high strength steels as well as titanium. View the HPAD Alloy Sheet. Learn more about the HPAD and to try the Demo.
Looking for Important Armor Alloys Data Resources?[Permalink]
Many aluminum alloys as well as some magnesium alloys are used for armor plating. Among prime examples of armament alloys are aluminum alloys 5083, 5456, 7039, 2519, 5059, 6061, 2139, 2195 and 7085. Because some of the alloys also play important roles in aerospace, they are found in the Aerospace Structural Metals Database (ASMD). Specifically, the alloys and applications are Al 5083 (vehicles), Al 5456 (naval), Al 6061, Al 7085 and Mg LA91A. Ballistic properties are addressed in their own section of many chapters along with the normal coverage of properties related to aerospace applications.
Thick Section Aluminum Aerospace Alloy - 7085[Permalink]
- Fracture Toughness
- Fatigue Crack Growth
- Static Allowable Mechanical Property Data
Meet Our Authors[Permalink]
ASMD Update[Permalink]
Blast from the Past 1993 - Numerical Databases on Materials Property Data at CINDAS/Purdue University[Permalink]

We will feature a technical article from the archives with every newsletter. The technical article will be available on our Resource Page. For Vol. 2, the article we chose is: Numerical Databases on Materials Property Data at CINDAS/Purdue University.
View the full article (PDF).
Coming Soon...[Permalink]